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Ficha Cuerpo Académico

Agrifood Bioscience and Biotechnology

Division of Biological and Health Sciences.

Area of Agricultural Sciences.

Discipline Agricultural Sciences
Academic Group Consolidated

Lerma Campus

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Year of registration: 2016


NameLines of research
Dr. Adolfo Armando Rayas Amor.  Leader of GA1, 2, 3, 5.
Dr. Mayra Díaz Ramírez.1, 3, 4, 5.
Dr. Rosy Gabriela Cruz Monterrosa.1, 4.

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

1.- Animal well-being and product quality.
2.- Sustainable livestock.
3.- Milk bioscience.
4.- Milk biotechnology.
5.- Cereal technology.


1.- In which relevant topics on the effects of animal breeding, handling and pre-slaughter operations on the behavior, physiology and physicochemical and sensory properties of meat and milk, as well as the production of high value-added biomolecules will be discussed.

2.- In which projects related to production systems, their impact on the environment, their sustainability, the final quality of products influencing the shelf life of agricultural products, with microbiological determinations and production of biogenic amines will be carried out.

3.- This course will st...

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.