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Research regulations

According to its Organic Law, the University is responsible for organizing and developing humanistic and scientific research activities. It performs this function with complete freedom to contribute to the generation and application of scientific, humanistic, artistic, and technological knowledge for the benefit of society, as well as to the advancement of humanity.

To the extent that research is developed extensively and deeply in all disciplines and contributes to the generation of frontier knowledge, the relationship with teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels becomes closer; this research will be relevant, of high social impact, it will be directly linked to relevant national problems, it will provide solutions for various sectors of the population and will be widely disseminated.

Based on the organization of research in the Departments and Areas, the General Research Policies state the need to adapt to present and future challenges with new ways of organizing research work. It also highlights the importance of collaborative work among the academic staff of the various disciplines and their articulation with external, national, and international actors as a way to face larger and more complex challenges.

Documents in spanish

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.