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Academic Groups of UAM

AG Name Campus Division Area Lines of research
Agrarian economy, rural and peasant development
Social Sciences and Humanities
Social and Administrative Sciences
1.- Study of the land market in Mexico.
2.- Gender and social change.
3.- Privatization of the sugar industry.
4.- Poverty and financial development.
5.- Education and rural society.
6.- Rural development, paradigms, theories and experiences.
Agricultural Development
Biological and Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
1.- Biological educational research in cities.
2.- Agricultural production systems.
Agrifood Bioscience and Biotechnology
Biological and Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
1.- Animal well-being and product quality.
2.- Sustainable livestock.
3.- Milk bioscience.
4.- Milk biotechnology.
5.- Cereal technology.
Basic Sciences and Engineering
Natural and Exact Sciences
1.- Theory of rings and modules.
2.- Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.
3.- Number theory and group theory.
4.- Theory of algebraic codes and cryptography.
5.- Logic, set theory and module theory.
Basic Sciences and Engineering
Natural and Exact Sciences
1.- Methods of analysis in differential equations.
2.- Stochastic analysis and mathematical physics.
3.- Geometric analysis.
Analysis and management of organizations
Social Sciences and Humanities
Social and Administrative Sciences
1.- Organizational analysis of the micro, small and medium-sized company.
2.- Organizational behavior in the Mexican company.
3.- Theory and praxis of organizational problems in Mexico.
4.- Gender and culture in organizations.
5.- Emerging organizations in the context of the new capital accumulation model.
6.- Digital technologies in organizations.
Analytic chemistry
Basic Sciences and Engineering
Natural and Exact Sciences
1.- Determination of equilibrium constants in aqueous solutions with graphical and computational methods.
Animal reproduction biology
Biological and Health Sciences
Health Sciences
1.- Sperm biology.
2.- Endogenous and environmental factors regulating reproduction.
Applied energy
Basic Sciences and Engineering
Engineering and Technology
1.- Conversion, control and use of electrical energy.
2.- Study of low temperature plasmas and electrochemical processes and their application in the reduction or elimination of contamination of solid, liquid or gaseous media.
Applied linguistics, comparative literature and technological innovation
Social Sciences and Humanities
Education, Humanities and Art
1.- Applied linguistics.
2.- Comparative literature.
3.- Applied technological innovation.
Basic Sciences Teaching
Basic Sciences and Engineering
Education, Humanities and Art
1.- Study of the learning, teaching and evaluation of physics, mathematics and chemistry in its different modalities of conduction.
Behavioral and reproductive biology
Biological and Health Sciences
Health Sciences
1.- Reproductive neuroendocrinology.
2.- Neuropsychoendocrinology of stress.
Biocatalysis applied to organic chemistry
Biological and Health Sciences
Natural and Exact Sciences
1.- Development of biocatalytic methods and their application to organic synthesis.
Bioclimatic architecture
Sciences and Arts for Design
Engineering and Technology
1.- Higrothermic design and comfort in buildings.
2.- Design and light comfort in buildings.
3.- Design and acoustic comfort in buildings.
4.- Design and regulations for the efficient use of energy in buildings.
5.- Development and historical evolution of bioclimatic architecture.
6.- Traditional construction systems applied in bioclimatic architecture.
7.- Materials and technological systems applied in bioclimatic architecture.
8.- Vegetation as a bioclimatic control element.
9.- Sustainable urban design.
Bioenergetics and cell aging
Biological and Health Sciences
Health Sciences
1.- Aging and oxidative stress.
2.- Cellular senescence.
3.- Mitochondrial bioenergetics.
4.- Hormetic mechanisms.
5.- Oxidative stress.
6.- Evaluation of bioactive compounds.
Biology and conservation of aquatic organisms
Biological and Health Sciences
Natural and Exact Sciences
1.- General, molecular and genomic genetics of aquatic organisms.
2.- Functional anatomy.
3.- Ecology (life histories) and aquaculture.
4.- Characterization of gametes and cryopreservation.
Biology of wild mammals
Biological and Health Sciences
Natural and Exact Sciences
1.- Systematics and zoogeography of Mexican terrestrial mammals.
2.- Reproductive biology and ecology of wild mammals.
3.- Management and maintenance of a mastofaunal germplasm bank.
4.- Documentary inventory of Mexican mammals.
Biomaterials and tissue engineering
Basic Sciences and Engineering
Natural and Exact Sciences
1.- Synthesis of polymers, ceramic materials, metal treatments and generation of composite materials.
2.- Physical and chemical properties of biomaterials.
3.- Generation, formulation and surface modification of scaffolds to be used in tissue engineering.
4.- Cell culture on modified scaffolds and in vivo experiments for the generation of implants for tissue engineering.
5.- Design of processing equipment and characterization of scaffolds for tissue engineering.
6.- Engineering of biotechnological processes for the production of biopolymers and metabolites from food waste.
Basic Sciences and Engineering
Natural and Exact Sciences
1.- Structure and protein stability.
Bioprocess Systems Engineering: Modeling and Simulation
Natural Sciences and Engineering
Engineering and Technology
1.- Modeling and simulation of bioprocesses.
2.- Modeling and simulation of cellular processes.
3.- Optimization of chemical and biological processes.
4.- Studies of dynamic and control systems.
5.- Development of computational tools for modeling and simulation.
6.- Exergy-environmental analysis of energetic and bioenergetic systems.

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.