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Ficha Cuerpo Académico

Collective action and identities

Division of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Area of Social and Administrative Sciences.

Discipline Sociology
Academic Group In Formation

Iztapalapa Campus

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Year of registration: 2018


NameLines of research
Dr. Angélica Leticia Bautista López.  Leader of GA1, 3, 4, 5.
Dr. Carlos Fernando Ortiz Lachica.2, 3, 5.
Dr. José Alfredo Nateras Domínguez.2, 3, 5.
Dr. Josué Rafael Tinoco Amador.2, 4.
Dr. Raúl Romero Ruiz.1, 3, 5.

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

1.- The space and its social sense.
2.- Youth and its contemporary expression.
3.- Comprehensive methodologies.
4.- Collective psychology.
5.- Institutional violence and inequalities.


1.- Space as an object of study is socially constructed and, as a concept, becomes relevant in contemporary society. The new vision of socio-spatial relations is developed as a component of collective identities and the challenge is to understand the connection between spatial logic and its relationality with its practitioners. It is proposed to interpret space in its double role, as a material and basic support of social development and as a social production derived from the human activity that transforms the space that serves as its base.

2.- This line of research deals with th...

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.