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Ficha Cuerpo Académico

Development and applications of density functional theory

Division of Basic Sciences and Engineering.

Area of Natural and Exact Sciences.

Discipline Physical chemistry
Academic Group Consolidated

Iztapalapa Campus

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Year of registration: 2005


NameLines of research
Dr. Joel Ireta Moreno.  Leader of GA2.
Dr. José Andrés Cedillo Ortiz.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Dr. José Luis Gázquez Mateos.1.
Dr. Marcelo Enrique Galván Espinosa.1, 4, 5.

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

1.- Development and application of chemical reactivity parameters.
2.- Description of chemical systems stabilized by hydrogen bridges.
3.- Design of heavy metal selective binders.
4.- Study of the effects of the substituent on the chemical reactivity of organic molecules.
5.- Electronic structure of biomolecules.
6.- Electronic structure of systems under pressure.


1.- Density functional theory has made it possible to formalize some empirical reactivity parameters and to define new ones. In general, these properties are related to some derivatives of the energy. Within this line, a general method was developed to determine variationally, in molecular systems, two of these quantities: the Fukui function and the hardness. This method is being implemented in a Hückel-type approximation to test its predictive capacity. The maximum hardness principle was also analyzed by introducing an electronic system in a large canonical ensemble; in this case some stabil...

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.