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Ficha Cuerpo Académico

Urban culture

Division of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Area of Social and Administrative Sciences.

Discipline Urban Anthropology
Academic Group In Consolidation

Iztapalapa Campus

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Year of registration: 2003


NameLines of research
Dr. Adriana Aguayo Ayala.1, 2, 3.
Dr. Ana María Rosas Mantecón.1.
Dr. Eduardo Vicente Nivón Bolán.  Leader of GA1, 3.
Dr. Néstor Raúl García Canclini.1, 3.
Dr. Raúl Nieto Calleja.2, 3.

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

1.- The public and the private: imaginary construction and communication of the urban experience in cultural heritage, art and cultural industries.
2.- Conflicts in the use of urban space in historic centers.
3.- The metropolitan and the peripheral in urban experiences.


1.- The research line discusses, through different approaches, the most relevant contradictions of contemporary culture that have led to what some specialists call the crisis of public space. Unlike other approaches that emphasize political or economic issues, this line of research aims to advance in the observation of these contradictions in the field of art and culture. In this sense, an extremely visible and highly topical field is that which has to do with heritage, which has become a disputed space in which companies, the media, public institutions and local communities intervene. The sam...

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.