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Ficha Cuerpo Académico

Political Economy and Society of Contemporary Capitalism

Division of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Area of Social and Administrative Sciences.

Discipline Political economy
Academic Group In Formation

Azcapotzalco Campus

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Year of registration: 2015


NameLines of research
Dr. Abelardo Mariña Flores.1, 2, 3.
M.A. Jaime González Martínez.1, 2, 3.
Dr. Lorenzo Fusaro .  Leader of GA1, 2, 3.
M.A. Miguel Ángel Barrios .1, 2, 3.
Dr. Sergio Cámara Izquierdo.1, 2, 3.

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

1.- Political economy.
2.- Capital accumulation and crisis.
3.- Labor economy.


1.- It covers the study of capitalist economic relations from the perspective of Marxist labor-value theory. Specifically: the labor process and the capitalist valorization process; value and productivity; money and credit; production of absolute and relative surplus value; technological change; exploitation, wages and reproduction of the labor force; value, competition and prices; competitiveness and international exchange; reproduction of the social relations of capitalist production.

2.- It covers the theoretical and applied study of the macroeconomic dynamics of the capitalist...

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.