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Ficha Cuerpo Académico

Biology and conservation of aquatic organisms

Division of Biological and Health Sciences.

Area of Natural and Exact Sciences.

Discipline Conservation and management of natural resources
Academic Group In Consolidation

Iztapalapa Campus

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Year of registration: 2017


NameLines of research
Dr. Abraham Kobelkowsky Díaz.2, 3.
Dr. Gerardo Figueroa Lucero.  Leader of GA3, 4.
Dr. Jhoana Díaz Larrea.1, 3.

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

1.- General, molecular and genomic genetics of aquatic organisms.
2.- Functional anatomy.
3.- Ecology (life histories) and aquaculture.
4.- Characterization of gametes and cryopreservation.


1.- Cytogenetic studies, genetic and population diversity, phylogeography, genomics and molecular systematics. Knowledge of the genetic biodiversity of natural resources, particularly of native or endemic species, is fundamental for their management and conservation. Therefore, studies of their populations, species and sister groups at the molecular and genomic levels allow, in addition to knowing this biodiversity, to understand their current status and relationships and to determine support strategies for their conservation, exploitation and management.

2.- The study of the gene...

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.