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Ficha Cuerpo Académico

Social and economic policies. Analysis and evaluation

Division of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Area of Social and Administrative Sciences.

Discipline Economy
Academic Group Consolidated

Iztapalapa Campus

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Year of registration: 2003


NameLines of research
Dr. Enrique Hernández Laos.2, 3.
Dr. Georgina Alenka Guzmán Chávez.2, 3.
Dr. Ignacio Llamas Huitrón.1, 2.
Marco Antonio Pérez Méndez.1, 2, 3.
Dr. Nora Nidia Garro Bordonaro.  Leader of GA1, 3.
Dr. Roberto Gutiérrez Rodríguez.1.

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

1.- Social Economy.
2.- Industrialization, innovation, productivity and competitiveness.
3.- Income distribution, poverty and social policy in Mexico.


1.- The design and operation of economic policy and its social effects. Specifically, research is carried out on the policies designed by the governments of the countries of the world to try to solve the social problems that most affect their citizens: unemployment and underemployment, poverty, health and social security systems, quality of educational systems. Although current economic and social policy is oriented towards the treatment of traditional problems, its orientation and methodology has undergone important transformations as a result of the intellectual products of the evolution of ...

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.