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Ficha Cuerpo Académico


Division of Basic Sciences and Engineering.

Area of Natural and Exact Sciences.

Discipline Physical
Academic Group In Consolidation

Iztapalapa Campus

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Year of registration: 2003


NameLines of research
Dr. Eduardo Piña Garza.1, 2, 3.
Dr. Hilda Noemí Núñez Yépez.  Leader of GA1, 2.
Dr. José Luis del Rio Correa.3.
Dr. Miguel Angel Bastarrachea Magnani.2, 3.
Dr. Norberto Aquino Aquino.2.

Knowledge Generation and Application Lines

1.- Stability of non-linear mechanical systems.
2.- Non-linear periodic phenomena.
3.- Non-linear dynamics.


1.- Poincaré maps, lines of symmetry and their generalizations are used to analyze mechanical systems and deduce global properties and distinguish stable and unstable behaviors.

2.- To find new number-graphic techniques to obtain information about the behavior of classical and quantum dynamical systems.

3.- Poincaré maps, lines of symmetry and their generalizations are used to analyze mechanical systems and to deduce global properties and distinguish stable and unstable behaviors....

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.