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Perfil investigador
M.Sc. Hilda Ortiz Pérez

Departament of Health Care

Division of Biological and Health Sciences

Xochimilco Campus

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Academic Work

• Scopus

Sustainable Development Goals

• 2 Zero Hunger

• 3 Good Health and Well-being

Research interests

• Malnutrition among pre-scholars
• Overweight and obesity among preschoolers and adolescents
• Malnutrition and parasitosis
• Metabolic syndrome
• HIV mortality


Professor Hilda Ortiz Pérez is a Public Health Nutritionist with a Master's Degree in Social Medicine. Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Xochimilco Campus (1994-2002). Professor of the modules "Nutrition in the early stages of life" and "Nutrition, growth, and development in the school and adolescent stage". Twenty-eight years of teaching experience in the modular system of UAM Xochimilco Campus. She has published articles in scientific journals and book chapters, as well as presentations at national and international congresses on nutrition, public health, and HIV/AIDS.

Information provided by the academic staff

Research interests

• Malnutrition among pre-scholars
• Overweight and obesity among preschoolers and adolescents
• Malnutrition and parasitosis
• Metabolic syndrome
• HIV mortality

Academic Work

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Some examples of publications

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Open Access References UN SDGs
OAOrtiz-Pérez, H., Bravo-García, E., Bravo-García, J.S. (2023).Epidemiology of suicide mortality in Mexican young people (ages 15-29) from 1990 to 2020. Salud Mental,46(6) 295-305| 3 |
OAOrtiz-Pérez, H., Bravo-García, E. (2023).Epidemiology of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Mexico from 1986 to 2018. Revista Mexicana de Pediatria,90(1) 10-16| 3| 5 |
Castañeda-Castaneira, E., Ortiz-Pérez, H., Robles-Pinto, G. and 1 more (...) (2016).Junk food consumption and nutritional status in school-age children in Mexico city. Revista Mexicana de Pediatria,83(1) 15-19| 3 |
Bravo-García, E., Ortiz-Pérez, H. (2016).Analysis of HIV/AIDS mortality in Mexico from 1990 to 2013: An assessment of the feasibility of millennium development goals by 2015. Gaceta Medica de Mexico,152(6) 819-830| 3 |
OAOrtiz-Pérez, H., Molina-Frechero, N., Martínez-Barbabosa, I. and 1 more (...) (2015).Nutritional content of foods promoted by channel 5 of Mexican television focused on child population. Revista Chilena de Nutricion,42(3) 260-266| 3 |

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Courses offered

*Courses are conducted in spanish

Num.Trim.Course NameLevel
Nutrición en Las Etapas Tempranas de la VidaLicenciatura
Nutrición en Las Etapas Tempranas de la VidaLicenciatura
Evaluación del Estado de Nutrición de los Grupos HumanosLicenciatura
Energía y Consumo de Substancias FundamentalesLicenciatura
Nutrición en Las Etapas Tempranas de la VidaLicenciatura
Nutrición en Las Etapas Tempranas de la VidaLicenciatura
Information provided by the Dirección de Sistemas Escolares
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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.