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Perfil investigador
Dr. Elionor Bartra y Muria

Departament of Politics and Culture

Division of Social Sciences and Humanities

Member of the National System of Researchers

Social Sciences

Xochimilco Campus

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Sites of interest

• Academia
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Sustainable Development Goals

• 5 Gender Equality

Research interests

• Nudes and art
• Feminist Research Methods
• Women and Folk Art
• Feminist Movement
• Feminist Theory


Professor Elionor Bartra y Muriá was born in Mexico City in September 1947. Ph.D. in Philosophy and Distinguished Professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Xochimilco Campus, Mexico City. She has been co-founder and coordinator of the research area "Woman, identity and power" and the Masters in Women's Studies and Doctorate in Feminist Studies postgraduate courses at the same university.

She has published the books Feminism and Folk Art. Case Studies in Mexico, New Zealand, Japan, and Brazil, (Lexington Books, 2019); Desnudo y arte, (Bogotá, From Below, 2018); Mujer ideología y arte (Barcelona, La Sal, 1987; Icaria, 1994, 2004), En busca de las diablas. Sobre arte popular y género (México, Tava/UAM Xochimilco Campus, 1994), Mujeres en el arte popular. De promesas, traiciones, monstruos y celebridades, (México, UAM, 2005) and its english version Women in Mexican Folk Art, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2011 and Mosaico de creatividades. Experiencias de arte popular, México, UAM, 2013.

She is the co-compiler and co-author of lnterculturalidad estética y prácticas artesanales. Mujeres, feminismo y arte popular, (UAM Xochimilco Campus, 2019); Mujeres, feminismo y arte popular (México, UAM/Unisinos/ La Cifra, 2015, Crafting Gender. Women and Folk Art in Latin America and the Caribbean (Durham, Duke University Press, 2003); Creatividad invisible. Mujeres y arte popular en América Latina y el Caribe, (México, PUEG/UNAM, 2004); Debates en torno a una metodología feminista (México, UAM Unidad Xochimilco, 1999); La Revuelta. Reflexiones, testimonios y reportajes de mujeres en México, 1975-1983, (México, Martín Casillas, 1983) and Feminismo en México, ayer y hoy, (México, UAM, 2000).

She has published more than a hundred articles and book chapters on feminism, gender, and art, on popular art and women, and feminist methodology and movement. Some of them are "Autodesnudas" text and Curatorship of the "Autodesnudas" exhibition, Museum of Mexican Women Artists (MUMA), July 2014. "La frónesis y la libris de los Estudios sobre mujeres", Frónesis, Revista de Filosofía Jurídica, Social and Political, Institute of Philosophy of Law Dr. JM Delgado Ocando, University of Zulia, Venezuela, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2014, pp. 85 - 96. "¿Y siguen las brujas conspirando? En torno a las luchas feministas en México", Francesca Gargallo and Rosario Galo Moya (coords.) The politics of the subject in Our America, Mexico, UAEM, 2013, pp.179- 197. "Arte erótico, arte pornográfico", ranAzul, UAM Xochimilco Campus, year 2, no. 6, January-April 2013. "Un siglo··· las mujeres. Retazos de historia" in Emma Cecilia García Krinsky, Women behind the lens. 100 years of photography in Mexico 1910-2010, Mexico, Conaculta, 2012.

Her latest publications are: Nudes and Naked Women in the Arts: Mexico and Beyond, Lanham, MD., Lexington Books/ Rowman & Littlefield, 2022. ISBN 978-1-7936-4744-3 (impreso) ISBN 9781793647450 (ebook); Desnudo y arte, México, UAM-X, 2ª ed., 2021. ISBN 9 786072823679; Feminismo en acción, México, UAM-X, 2021., México, UAM-X, 2021. (Coordinated witth Ana Lau Jaiven and Merarit Viera Alcazar) Isbn 978-607-28-2295-5. Isbn 978-607-28-2296-2 (epub).; Estrategias creativas de sobrevivencia. Feminismo y arte popular, México, UAM-X, 2021. (Coordinadora con Liliana Elvira Moctezuma). Pdf and paper ISBN 9786072822474.

She obtained the 2000-2001 Fulbright research grant to go to Duke University, USA. She has been a visiting professor at various universities in Latin America, the United States, Europe, Japan, Brazil, and New Zealand.

Information provided by the academic staff

Research interests

• Nudes and art
• Feminist Research Methods
• Women and Folk Art
• Feminist Movement
• Feminist Theory

Academic Work

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Courses offered

*Courses are conducted in spanish

Num.Trim.Course NameLevel
México: Economía, Política y SociedadLicenciatura
Taller de Tesis VPosgrado
Taller de Tesis XIPosgrado
Seminario Temático I: Feminismo y Procesos Culturales y Políticos ContemporáneosPosgrado
Taller de Tesis IVPosgrado
Feminismos Contemporáneos y Condición de Las MujeresPosgrado
Taller de Tesis IIIPosgrado
México: Economía, Política y SociedadLicenciatura
Taller de Tesis IIPosgrado
Seminario Teórico-Metodológico I: Fundamentos y Debates del Pensamiento FeministaPosgrado
Taller de Tesis IPosgrado
Seminario de Investigación II. Creación y Representación de Productos Culturales GenerizadosPosgrado
Seminario Temático I: Feminismo y Procesos Culturales y Políticos ContemporáneosPosgrado
Historia y SociedadLicenciatura
Feminismos Contemporáneos y Condición de Las MujeresPosgrado
Information provided by the Dirección de Sistemas Escolares
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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024.